D.W. Lichtenberg is the author of THE ANCIENT BOOK OF HIP (Fourteen Hills Press 2009). He is a writer, a filmmaker, a caffeine addict, and an obsessive cleaner.

He works by day as an editor of corporate video at Photon Creative Studios in San Francisco. His filmography can be found on IMDB. He studied film at NYU.

His writings include THE ANCIENT BOOK OF HIP, winner of the 2009 Michael Rubin Book Award, and a recently finished novel, TIME FLIES IN WAYS (unpublished). He edits LA PETITE ZINE with Melissa Broder.

DWL grew up on the Main Line outside of Philadelphia & currently lives in San Francisco.

He once went five days without eating anything.

He hopes to one day write the Great American Bumper Sticker.

He's currently writing about a road trip with J.D. Salinger.

To leave behind the dusty traditions of conventional literary fiction & poetry.

To create literature that normal people can read, understand, and enjoy.

To do this without sacrificing any higher artistic pursuit. & to do this without admitting belief in any sort of higher artistic pursuit.

To be funny.

To be sad.

To be unpoetic & boring & silent & loud at the same time.

To convince J.D. Salinger to go on a cross country road trip. (Update: RIP J.D. Salinger)

To convince Belle & Sebastian to collaborate on a musical.

To be a dick without being a dick. To be a nice guy without being a nice guy.

To keep it real.